News Server Woes
(too old to reply)
2005-05-16 13:08:33 UTC
I have an idea...Since the socal news servers are so worthless for the last few
years now, how about providing us access to another roadrunner news server in a
different area?
2005-05-17 10:14:13 UTC
The news server the last few days is the worst completion rate I think I have
ever seen on RR (a feat in itself). As far as I can tell, every binary group is
hosed. I'm also seeing about a third of the posts lost. This is ridiculous.
Seriously, I don't want to complain anymore. Ed, can you please put us in touch
with whomever is the news admin's supervisor?.....so we can get the admin fired
for incompetence. Errr, I mean so that we can have a chat with them about these
issues. And might we at least have temporary access to another news server...at
least until they get ours "fixed?" Thanks.

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