TW Tech Support
(too old to reply)
2005-12-14 18:37:52 UTC
Because I've had so many bad recent experiences with tech support, I thought
I'd relay my experience of yesterday and today.

Once again, our On Demand movies stopped working, both the free ones and the
paid movies, maybe one attempt in ten to access any On Demand movie would
work, but it's sporadic.

We called about this a few months ago and spent 45 minutes just to get our
call through to the tech support number (it was busy), then we waited on
hold for another hour, then spent 35 minutes on the phone with the tech
support guy who couldn't fix our problem and arranged a home visit 12 days
in the future. When he finally showed up everything worked fine so he
didn't do anything. A few days later, we were seeing the same behavior, but
didn't call because of how much effort it had taken the previous time.

Same problem again over the weekend. Some movies would work, but all the
ones we wanted to see wouldn't. I didn't even try to call on the weekend
because of how much time I wasted on the call last time. I guess if the
tech support experiences are bad enough, people will stop calling.

Yesterday the kids wanted to watch an HBO On Demand movie and it wouldn't
work and they begged me to call so I did. This time my phone call got
through the first time. I waited on hold 4 minutes before I got someone,
who sent out a tech support person this morning. He got here at 9:00 and at
least this time he saw the same behavoir I was seeing.

He spent over an hour, checked all the wiring for TV and RR, changed the
location of the amp, rewired a few things, swapped our digital box, and now
everything works, for the first time since we've had digital.

After many bad experiences lately, it was a pleasant surprise to have a good
experience. Maybe things are looking up?

- Kathy
John W Montgomery
2005-12-15 00:39:19 UTC
A new digital DVR box works wonders. I had an old box from 2002 and my pay channels were pixelated in dark areas and also my On Demand some times wouldn't respond. I walked in to Ware Ct and got a brand new in the box DVR. The build date was last month. The new DVR box is great, solid digital with NO pixelation and having the DVR features is wonderful!
2005-12-15 06:00:07 UTC
"John W Montgomery" <***@san.rr.com> wrote in message news:XW2of.3587$***@tornado.socal.rr.com...
A new digital DVR box works wonders. I had an old box from 2002 and my pay
channels were pixelated in dark areas and also my On Demand some times
wouldn't respond. I walked in to Ware Ct and got a brand new in the box DVR.
The build date was last month. The new DVR box is great, solid digital with
NO pixelation and having the DVR features is wonderful!

They just gave you a DVR? Did you ask for it?

- Kathy
John W Montgomery
2005-12-16 06:57:29 UTC
They rebundled me and gave me the DVR for $5 less than I was paying under the old system from 2002. They have new bundles and I guess that with the new packages it's a better deal. I have not had my account reviewed since 2002. I returned the old box and remote and they scanned the boxes and gave me the DVR new in the box! I had asked about DVR and that is what triggered the review of my account and also the rebundling of services.
