Download speed (5 mbits/sec)
(too old to reply)
2005-03-09 14:27:50 UTC
Hi Edwin,
I have posted this a while back and you reply saying I may need a new
modem. How would I go about doing this?

I am from Carmel Valley with Motorolla modem:

Software Version: SB4100-
Hardware Version: 0
MIB Version: II
GUI Version: 1.0
VxWorks Version: 5.3

Here is the speed that I always get from http://speedtest.rrsan.com

2005-03-09 09:25:35 EST: 2955 / 358
Your download speed : 3026702 bps, or 2955 kbps.
A 369.4 KB/sec transfer rate.
Your upload speed : 366837 bps, or 358 kbps.

I already restarted the modem many times.

Edwin Kruse
2005-03-09 15:36:17 UTC
You should be able to come in to our customer service lobby and exchange
it, or call tech support at 858-695-3220 and make an appointment.

Do you have an account where your company is paying?

Edwin Kruse
Network Services Manager
TWC San Diego
Post by NoonT
Hi Edwin,
I have posted this a while back and you reply saying I may need a new
modem. How would I go about doing this?
Software Version: SB4100-
Hardware Version: 0
MIB Version: II
GUI Version: 1.0
VxWorks Version: 5.3
Here is the speed that I always get from http://speedtest.rrsan.com
2005-03-09 09:25:35 EST: 2955 / 358
Your download speed : 3026702 bps, or 2955 kbps.
A 369.4 KB/sec transfer rate.
Your upload speed : 366837 bps, or 358 kbps.
I already restarted the modem many times.
2005-03-09 16:33:35 UTC
Post by Edwin Kruse
You should be able to come in to our customer service lobby and exchange
it, or call tech support at 858-695-3220 and make an appointment.
Do you have an account where your company is paying?
Edwin Kruse
Network Services Manager
TWC San Diego
Post by NoonT
Hi Edwin,
I have posted this a while back and you reply saying I may need a new
modem. How would I go about doing this?
Software Version: SB4100-
Hardware Version: 0
MIB Version: II
GUI Version: 1.0
VxWorks Version: 5.3
Here is the speed that I always get from http://speedtest.rrsan.com
2005-03-09 09:25:35 EST: 2955 / 358
Your download speed : 3026702 bps, or 2955 kbps.
A 369.4 KB/sec transfer rate.
Your upload speed : 366837 bps, or 358 kbps.
I already restarted the modem many times.
Thanks Edwin,

This is a residential account and I sent you my account number via your
e-mail address.

I will go to Ware Court today to exchange the modem.

2005-03-11 14:09:43 UTC
Post by Edwin Kruse
You should be able to come in to our customer service lobby and exchange
it, or call tech support at 858-695-3220 and make an appointment.
Do you have an account where your company is paying?
Edwin Kruse
Network Services Manager
TWC San Diego
Post by NoonT
Hi Edwin,
I have posted this a while back and you reply saying I may need a new
modem. How would I go about doing this?
Software Version: SB4100-
Hardware Version: 0
MIB Version: II
GUI Version: 1.0
VxWorks Version: 5.3
Here is the speed that I always get from http://speedtest.rrsan.com
2005-03-09 09:25:35 EST: 2955 / 358
Your download speed : 3026702 bps, or 2955 kbps.
A 369.4 KB/sec transfer rate.
Your upload speed : 366837 bps, or 358 kbps.
I already restarted the modem many times.
Hi Edwin,

I exchanged the SB41000 to:

Software Version: SB5100-
Hardware Version: 3
MIB Version: II
GUI Version: 1.0
VxWorks Version: 5.4

With the following MAC address info:

Serial Number 128103434001016004040000
HFC MAC Address 00:12:C9:23:28:0C
CPE USB MAC Address 00:12:C9:18:5C:3D

Unfortunately, I still get the same result from http://speedtest.rrsan.com:

2005-03-11 09:06:29 EST: 2775 / 364
Your download speed : 2842354 bps, or 2775 kbps.
A 346.9 KB/sec transfer rate.
Your upload speed : 373587 bps, or 364 kbps.

I also have tried to connect the computer straight into the modem, to
avoid any possibility that my router is bad, and I got about the same
speed any time of the day.

Please advise what to do next.

Kenyon Ralph
2005-03-11 23:08:39 UTC
Post by NoonT
I also have tried to connect the computer straight into the modem, to
avoid any possibility that my router is bad, and I got about the same
speed any time of the day.
Please advise what to do next.
What are your system specs?

Never anonymous Bud
2005-03-09 21:47:27 UTC
Post by NoonT
Here is the speed that I always get from http://speedtest.rrsan.com
2005-03-09 09:25:35 EST: 2955 / 358
Your download speed : 3026702 bps, or 2955 kbps.
A 369.4 KB/sec transfer rate.
Your upload speed : 366837 bps, or 358 kbps.
I have been paying for Premium since December,
but only got 'normal' speeds until about a week ago.

The SAME day I mentioned it here, I suddenly got a boost to

2005-03-09 16:44:04 EST: 7875 / 479
Your download speed : 8064642 bps, or 7875 kbps.
A 984.4 KB/sec transfer rate.
Your upload speed : 491340 bps, or 479 kbps.

The DL is great, the UL is still a bit slower than it should be.
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