Post by --LarryPost by Edwin Kruse
Interesting. Ed, have you seen anything the compares percent market
penetration? I know that SBC has a physical presence in far more
residences than TW so it would be expected that SBC would have more ISP
subscribers than TW.
Also it would be interesting to see figures on growth in the last 12 months
as SBC has decided to use aggressive pricing to attract new broadband
Thanks for posting the link.
Well, I used to have SBC for telephone and found them unsuitable for even
that simple purpose, which prompted me to move to MCI Neighborhood (local
and long distance). SBC called us relentlessly and offered us lower
pricing, checks for up to $125 to switch, and other incentives. As my
girlfriend put it to an SBC salesman one night, "We wouldn't switch if you
offered it to us as a free service". I had to laugh, but the plain and
simple fact is that it is absolutely true.
I abhor the AOL client and have spent the last eight years trying to
convince my girlfriend to switch to other applications for Internet
purposes, but she won't do it. Whenever a new version of the AOL client is
released, she installs it on her machine without question. I don't know
what it is, but AOL must know their users and provide them with what they
I think there are many factors that account for market appeal.