Modem latency
(too old to reply)
R. J. Salvi
2005-05-14 20:16:40 UTC
Previously when running a tracert, I had a problem with the latency of Hop
1, the modem. Response time was on the order of 75ms. I had the modem
replaced (a 4100 for a 5100) a few weeks ago and first hop times initially
decreased to 6-7ms with the new modem. Now they're back to over 70ms. Anyone
have any thoughts? Thx.
Robert J. Salvi, Ambiance Acoustics
San Diego, CA USA
(858) 485-7514
John W Montgomery
2005-05-14 23:22:02 UTC
Here's a tracert to Yahoo. Look how roundabout it goes to get up to Northern Cal. However first hop is low and should be 10ms or less. Maybe your high speed tweaks got changed???????
C:\Documents and Settings\John>tracert www.yahoo.com

Tracing route to www.yahoo.akadns.net []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 8 ms 13 ms 8 ms
2 19 ms 17 ms 9 ms
3 10 ms 9 ms 10 ms cssdca1-rtr1-ge2-3.san.rr.com []
4 10 ms 12 ms 10 ms WCSDCA1-GSR3-SRP0.san.rr.com []
5 10 ms 10 ms 11 ms 24-25-193-1.san.rr.com []
6 16 ms 15 ms 16 ms lsanca1-rtr1-s1-0-0.san.rr.com []
7 15 ms 15 ms 15 ms pop1-las-P5-0.atdn.net []
8 178 ms 150 ms 15 ms bb1-las-P0-0.atdn.net []
9 24 ms 26 ms * bb1-pho-P7-0.atdn.net []
10 25 ms 23 ms 24 ms bb2-pho-P1-0.atdn.net []
11 58 ms 56 ms 56 ms bb2-hou-P6-0.atdn.net []
12 55 ms 56 ms 66 ms bb1-hou-P1-0.atdn.net []
13 63 ms 62 ms 61 ms bb1-dls-P6-0.atdn.net []
14 61 ms 62 ms 61 ms pop2-dls-P0-0.atdn.net []
15 62 ms 62 ms 62 ms Teleglobe.atdn.net []
16 62 ms 62 ms 62 ms if-2-2.core1.DTW-Dallas.teleglobe.net []
17 68 ms 81 ms 63 ms if-0-0.core2.LAA-LosAngeles.teleglobe.net []
18 64 ms 74 ms 63 ms if-1-1.mcore4.LAA-LosAngeles.teleglobe.net []
19 63 ms 63 ms 64 ms if-5-0.mcore4.PDI-PaloAlto.teleglobe.net []
20 64 ms 64 ms 64 ms if-3-0.core2.PDI-PaloAlto.teleglobe.net []
21 64 ms 64 ms 64 ms ix-2-0.core2.PDI-PaloAlto.Teleglobe.net []
22 64 ms 65 ms 65 ms ge-0-0-3.msr1.scd.yahoo.com []
23 64 ms 77 ms 65 ms vl42.bas1-m.scd.yahoo.com []
24 64 ms 63 ms 64 ms p6.www.scd.yahoo.com []

Trace complete.
R. J. Salvi
2005-05-15 00:29:51 UTC
Tracing route to www.yahoo.akadns.net []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 74 ms 9 ms 6 ms
2 10 ms 7 ms 15 ms bwsdca1-rtr1-ge2-1.san.rr.com
3 9 ms 6 ms 8 ms WCSDCA1-GSR1-SRP0.san.rr.com []
4 7 ms 8 ms 7 ms wcsdca1-gsr3-srp8.san.rr.com []
5 8 ms 7 ms 7 ms so-0-0-0-0.gar1.SanDiego1.Level3.net
6 8 ms 8 ms 8 ms so-7-0-0.mp2.SanDiego1.Level3.net
7 37 ms 36 ms 35 ms ae-0-0.bbr2.Dallas1.Level3.net
8 39 ms 37 ms 36 ms ae-10-55.car1.Dallas1.Level3.net
9 48 ms 48 ms 48 ms
10 49 ms 48 ms 50 ms v6.bas2.mud.yahoo.com []
11 47 ms 49 ms 51 ms p18.www.mud.yahoo.com []

Trace complete.
Robert J. Salvi, Ambiance Acoustics
San Diego, CA USA
(858) 485-7514

"John W Montgomery" <***@san.rr.com> wrote in message news:uKvhe.14831$***@tornado.socal.rr.com...
Here's a tracert to Yahoo. Look how roundabout it goes to get up to Northern
Cal. However first hop is low and should be 10ms or less. Maybe your high
speed tweaks got changed???????
C:\Documents and Settings\John>tracert www.yahoo.com

Tracing route to www.yahoo.akadns.net []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 8 ms 13 ms 8 ms
2 19 ms 17 ms 9 ms
3 10 ms 9 ms 10 ms cssdca1-rtr1-ge2-3.san.rr.com
4 10 ms 12 ms 10 ms WCSDCA1-GSR3-SRP0.san.rr.com []
5 10 ms 10 ms 11 ms 24-25-193-1.san.rr.com []
6 16 ms 15 ms 16 ms lsanca1-rtr1-s1-0-0.san.rr.com
7 15 ms 15 ms 15 ms pop1-las-P5-0.atdn.net []
8 178 ms 150 ms 15 ms bb1-las-P0-0.atdn.net []
9 24 ms 26 ms * bb1-pho-P7-0.atdn.net []
10 25 ms 23 ms 24 ms bb2-pho-P1-0.atdn.net []
11 58 ms 56 ms 56 ms bb2-hou-P6-0.atdn.net []
12 55 ms 56 ms 66 ms bb1-hou-P1-0.atdn.net []
13 63 ms 62 ms 61 ms bb1-dls-P6-0.atdn.net []
14 61 ms 62 ms 61 ms pop2-dls-P0-0.atdn.net []
15 62 ms 62 ms 62 ms Teleglobe.atdn.net []
16 62 ms 62 ms 62 ms if-2-2.core1.DTW-Dallas.teleglobe.net
17 68 ms 81 ms 63 ms if-0-0.core2.LAA-LosAngeles.teleglobe.net
18 64 ms 74 ms 63 ms if-1-1.mcore4.LAA-LosAngeles.teleglobe.net
19 63 ms 63 ms 64 ms if-5-0.mcore4.PDI-PaloAlto.teleglobe.net
20 64 ms 64 ms 64 ms if-3-0.core2.PDI-PaloAlto.teleglobe.net
21 64 ms 64 ms 64 ms ix-2-0.core2.PDI-PaloAlto.Teleglobe.net
22 64 ms 65 ms 65 ms ge-0-0-3.msr1.scd.yahoo.com []
23 64 ms 77 ms 65 ms vl42.bas1-m.scd.yahoo.com []
24 64 ms 63 ms 64 ms p6.www.scd.yahoo.com []

Trace complete.
R. J. Salvi
2005-05-15 20:50:00 UTC
After reading Scott Lindner's response on the possible latency that hardware
routers introduce in on-line gaming environments, I decided to remove my
router from the loop and voila!...only 5ms modem latency. Time to test
another router, or just plain live with the problem...
Robert J. Salvi, Ambiance Acoustics
San Diego, CA USA
(858) 485-7514
Post by R. J. Salvi
Tracing route to www.yahoo.akadns.net []
1 74 ms 9 ms 6 ms
2 10 ms 7 ms 15 ms bwsdca1-rtr1-ge2-1.san.rr.com
3 9 ms 6 ms 8 ms WCSDCA1-GSR1-SRP0.san.rr.com []
4 7 ms 8 ms 7 ms wcsdca1-gsr3-srp8.san.rr.com []
5 8 ms 7 ms 7 ms so-0-0-0-0.gar1.SanDiego1.Level3.net
6 8 ms 8 ms 8 ms so-7-0-0.mp2.SanDiego1.Level3.net
7 37 ms 36 ms 35 ms ae-0-0.bbr2.Dallas1.Level3.net
8 39 ms 37 ms 36 ms ae-10-55.car1.Dallas1.Level3.net
9 48 ms 48 ms 48 ms
10 49 ms 48 ms 50 ms v6.bas2.mud.yahoo.com []
11 47 ms 49 ms 51 ms p18.www.mud.yahoo.com []
Trace complete.
Robert J. Salvi, Ambiance Acoustics
San Diego, CA USA
(858) 485-7514
Here's a tracert to Yahoo. Look how roundabout it goes to get up to
Northern Cal. However first hop is low and should be 10ms or less. Maybe
your high speed tweaks got changed???????
C:\Documents and Settings\John>tracert www.yahoo.com
Tracing route to www.yahoo.akadns.net []
1 8 ms 13 ms 8 ms
2 19 ms 17 ms 9 ms
3 10 ms 9 ms 10 ms cssdca1-rtr1-ge2-3.san.rr.com
4 10 ms 12 ms 10 ms WCSDCA1-GSR3-SRP0.san.rr.com []
5 10 ms 10 ms 11 ms 24-25-193-1.san.rr.com []
6 16 ms 15 ms 16 ms lsanca1-rtr1-s1-0-0.san.rr.com
7 15 ms 15 ms 15 ms pop1-las-P5-0.atdn.net []
8 178 ms 150 ms 15 ms bb1-las-P0-0.atdn.net []
9 24 ms 26 ms * bb1-pho-P7-0.atdn.net []
10 25 ms 23 ms 24 ms bb2-pho-P1-0.atdn.net []
11 58 ms 56 ms 56 ms bb2-hou-P6-0.atdn.net []
12 55 ms 56 ms 66 ms bb1-hou-P1-0.atdn.net []
13 63 ms 62 ms 61 ms bb1-dls-P6-0.atdn.net []
14 61 ms 62 ms 61 ms pop2-dls-P0-0.atdn.net []
15 62 ms 62 ms 62 ms Teleglobe.atdn.net []
16 62 ms 62 ms 62 ms if-2-2.core1.DTW-Dallas.teleglobe.net []
17 68 ms 81 ms 63 ms if-0-0.core2.LAA-LosAngeles.teleglobe.net []
18 64 ms 74 ms 63 ms if-1-1.mcore4.LAA-LosAngeles.teleglobe.net []
19 63 ms 63 ms 64 ms if-5-0.mcore4.PDI-PaloAlto.teleglobe.net []
20 64 ms 64 ms 64 ms if-3-0.core2.PDI-PaloAlto.teleglobe.net []
21 64 ms 64 ms 64 ms ix-2-0.core2.PDI-PaloAlto.Teleglobe.net []
22 64 ms 65 ms 65 ms ge-0-0-3.msr1.scd.yahoo.com []
23 64 ms 77 ms 65 ms vl42.bas1-m.scd.yahoo.com []
24 64 ms 63 ms 64 ms p6.www.scd.yahoo.com []
Trace complete.
Darren New
2005-05-15 21:01:35 UTC
Post by R. J. Salvi
After reading Scott Lindner's response on the possible latency that hardware
routers introduce in on-line gaming environments, I decided to remove my
router from the loop and voila!...only 5ms modem latency. Time to test
another router, or just plain live with the problem...
Remember that with every packet, the router has to look up what IP
address to rewrite it to. That's probably the overhead you're seeing.

There's at least one router out there that open-sources their internal
code, so you can see what the problem is.
Darren New / San Diego, CA, USA (PST)
The samba was clearly inspired
by the margarita.
R. J. Salvi
2005-05-15 21:45:33 UTC
Post by R. J. Salvi
After reading Scott Lindner's response on the possible latency that
hardware routers introduce in on-line gaming environments, I decided to
remove my router from the loop and voila!...only 5ms modem latency. Time
to test another router, or just plain live with the problem...
Remember that with every packet, the router has to look up what IP address
to rewrite it to. That's probably the overhead you're seeing.
There's at least one router out there that open-sources their internal
code, so you can see what the problem is.
Thanks, Darren.
Robert J. Salvi, Ambiance Acoustics
San Diego, CA USA
(858) 485-7514
Daniel Damouth
2005-05-15 22:25:17 UTC
"R. J. Salvi" <***@nospamambianceacoustics.com> wrote in
If I understand tracert correctly, only one packet to the first hop
had 70ms latency, out of lots. In line 1 there are two other pings
to that hop that are <10ms, and then all the other pings surely
include latency from that same hop, and they're all <50 total time.

I guess I see only the one problem, which is the first ping, after
which everything looks good.
Post by R. J. Salvi
Tracing route to www.yahoo.akadns.net []
1 74 ms 9 ms 6 ms
2 10 ms 7 ms 15 ms bwsdca1-rtr1-ge2-1.san.rr.com
3 9 ms 6 ms 8 ms WCSDCA1-GSR1-SRP0.san.rr.com
[] 4 7 ms 8 ms 7 ms
wcsdca1-gsr3-srp8.san.rr.com [] 5 8 ms 7 ms
7 ms so-0-0-0-0.gar1.SanDiego1.Level3.net
6 8 ms 8 ms 8 ms so-7-0-0.mp2.SanDiego1.Level3.net
7 37 ms 36 ms 35 ms ae-0-0.bbr2.Dallas1.Level3.net
8 39 ms 37 ms 36 ms ae-10-55.car1.Dallas1.Level3.net
9 48 ms 48 ms 48 ms
10 49 ms 48 ms 50 ms v6.bas2.mud.yahoo.com
[] 11 47 ms 49 ms 51 ms
p18.www.mud.yahoo.com []
Trace complete.
Darren New
2005-05-15 23:00:34 UTC
Post by Daniel Damouth
If I understand tracert correctly, only one packet to the first hop
had 70ms latency, out of lots.
Yes. And that may very well have been due to some one-time-cached thing,
like the server looking up ethernet addresses or some such.

Note too that while "ping" is supposed to be given high priority, the
errors generated by tracert are supposed to be given low priority within
the network. So tracert isn't always the best tool to measure your
pings. Sometimes you need to tracert to figure out where the packets go,
then ping each router on the path. Of course, had people actually
implemented all the options defined in IP, you wouldn't need tracert to
work the way it does either. You'd just send one ping and say "tell me
all the routers it went through."
Darren New / San Diego, CA, USA (PST)
The samba was clearly inspired
by the margarita.
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