2005-12-02 18:03:00 UTC
This is getting pretty rediculous. Certain times of the day (like now) 10:00 AM
12-2-05 the connect to sites just wait and drag on for a full two minutes before
connecting. Oh! When I try again 3 hours later...all's fine.
Then it just keeps freaking happening again.
4 years ago...this type of crap was what we had this usegroup for. Back then these
types of problems happened a lot. Then for 3 years, it was mostly about other issues.
Connections were pretty much fine.
I'm here to say that my connectivity is getting pretty damn hit and miss lame lately.
I've reconnected all my connections and checked grounding and splitters.
For the past 3 years...I've been very satisfied with RR. Now as of the last 2 weeks,
I get 56k type loading speed of pages during certain times of day.
What'd ya know..it's during business peak hours....gee..is it my splitter or something?
12-2-05 the connect to sites just wait and drag on for a full two minutes before
connecting. Oh! When I try again 3 hours later...all's fine.
Then it just keeps freaking happening again.
4 years ago...this type of crap was what we had this usegroup for. Back then these
types of problems happened a lot. Then for 3 years, it was mostly about other issues.
Connections were pretty much fine.
I'm here to say that my connectivity is getting pretty damn hit and miss lame lately.
I've reconnected all my connections and checked grounding and splitters.
For the past 3 years...I've been very satisfied with RR. Now as of the last 2 weeks,
I get 56k type loading speed of pages during certain times of day.
What'd ya know..it's during business peak hours....gee..is it my splitter or something?