Yup, this will be the last straw for me too.
I can get Verizon EV-DO for $60/month and have wireless broadband
anywhere (speed roughly equivalent to DSL). So, for $10 more per month
I'd get wireless broadband and gain nationwide mobility.
As Dave mentioned, there's always SBC DSL
(http://www02.sbc.com/DSL_new/content_new/1,,18,00.html?). At $15/month
(on a 1-year contract) for 384K-1.5M bps, it's a no-brainer. It's
$25/month for 1.5-3.0 Mbps.
The DSL account also includes nationwide dialup.
And once you have SBC DSL, you can get their FreedomLink WiFi service
(http://www.sbc.com/gen/general?pid=5949#1) for as low as $2/month.
It's in Barnes&Noble, McDonalds, UPS Stores, and other places.
So, let's see: Drop RR (maybe keep TWC basic cable), and save
$50/month. Get the basic level of SBC DSL + nationwide WiFi for $17/month.
A net savings of $33/month. And you get nationwide WiFi.
PS: Here's the SBC DSL blurb:
SBC Yahoo!® DSL
Special Offer
Order SBC Yahoo! DSL with your SBC Total Connections for a one-year term
for as low as $14.95* per month — our lowest price available for
high-speed Internet access.
If you order SBC Yahoo! DSL with your SBC Connections, your discounted
price for a one-year term could be as low as $14.95* per month.
SBC Yahoo! provides an easy-to-use and totally customizable Internet
experience — a service that integrates the most powerful features of
Yahoo! with the convenience and reliability of SBC.
Standard Features
* More Security
* Pop-Up Blocker to help keep annoying ads at bay
* Parental controls customizable to your preferences
* Firewall software to help shield your computer from unauthorized
* SpamGuard to help keep unwanted email from clogging your inbox
* Email virus protection software
More Convenience
* Seamless transition from old Internet service - email forwarding,
address-change notification
* Unlimited nationwide dialup Internet access
* Personalized SBC Yahoo! DSL home page
* Customized SBC Yahoo! DSL browser
* SBC Yahoo! Photos with unlimited online storage
* SBC Yahoo! Briefcase with up to 760MB of online storage
* Three Consumer Reports® guides
Better Communication
* Enhanced email - SBC Yahoo! Mail PLUS at no extra cost with 2 GB
of storage, POP access and email forwarding
* Up to 10 additional SBC Yahoo! Mail accounts with 2 GB of storage
each, POP access and email forwarding SBC Yahoo! Messenger with
high-quality video
*You will also be charged a monthly FUSF (Federal Universal Service
Fund) cost recovery fee to help cover charges from our data transport
supplier pursuant to state and federal telecom regulations. This fee is
not a tax or government required charge.
$14.95 promotional pricing available for new SBC Yahoo! DSL residential
customers who purchase the DSL Express service. SBC Yahoo! Pro service
available for $24.99 promotional price for residential new Pro service
customers. Offers only valid for new orders placed online at www.sbc.com
or http://promo.yahoo.com/sbc/; other third party channels excluded.
Static IP products not included. This online price is a limited time
offer. Offer not valid with any other SBC Yahoo! DSL promotion. SBC
local service and one year term required. $200 early termination fee. At
end of term, then-current monthly rate applies. $150-$200 additional
charge if technician install is required or desired. Equipment charges
will appear on the first bill along with any corresponding and
offsetting instant credits. Laptop users and some desktop users may need
to purchase an Ethernet card. Billing begins on service activation date.
Service not available in all areas. Subject to change without notice.
Maximum speed achieved depends on customer location. Acceptance of Terms
of Service required. Taxes and additional fees & surcharges extra. Other
restrictions apply.
SBC Yahoo! DSL is an information service that combines DSL transport,
Internet access and applications from SBC Internet Services, with
customized content, services, and applications from Yahoo! Inc. Yahoo!,
the Yahoo! logos and other product and service names are the trademarks
and/or registered trademarks of Yahoo! Inc. SBC, the SBC logo and other
product names are trademarks of SBC Knowledge Ventures, L.P. All other
brand names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective owners. ©2005 SBC Knowledge Ventures L.P and Yahoo, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Post by Dave SomersI just received the not so happy message from TW that the RR service
price is increasing by $5/month. Everyone knows that DSL is not
equivalent for those rocket fast download speeds, but what is TW
thinking in raising rates when the rest of the industry is lowering
them? I mean seriously, this is as misguided a marketing scheme as I
have ever seen.
They used to charge $5 more per month unless you had at least basic
cable. They could not justify that when they removed the ONLY reason
I had cable which was the Padres, at which time the price was the same
whether you had cable TV or not. As a long time DirecTV subscriber,
it didn't make sense to me to pay for upgraded cable service for
duplicate channels only to receive the Pads. Now, when I can get SBC
DSL for $15/month, now less than a third what RR charges, you are
providing me the best reason ever to dump cable entirely including RR.
How many customers will TW need to lose in order to realize that this
is a huge mistake?